nxtaliaistyping · 2 months ago
Batfamily | p links part two
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(Gotta be logged into Twitter for links to work)
Nsfw 18+, was staggered by the amount of notes in part one, so have some more
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Bruce Wayne:
He’s just so strong compared to you
When he’s just about to go out on patrol for the night, he pays you a visit
You said you wanted him to be rougher, so he indulges you
Speaking of you wanting it rougher, that includes more punishments, right?
You surprised him with a maid outfit, turned out he liked it a lot
He initially wanted to cuddle, but you’re insatiable
Dick Grayson:
He loves lazy days when it’s just you and him
Loves a titjob
One of his favourite positions
He’s nastyyy but he’s devoted to you
Demonstrating his strength
Whenever he offers to have a bath with you, you both end up like this
Jason Todd:
He likes to read, he likes when you read too
Sometimes he’s late for patrol because you climb onto his lap, and he can’t deny his sweet girl anything
Risky sex in a car with him <3
Secretly always giddy when you give him a blowjob
On his motorcycle
He’s hesitant to try anal since he doesn’t wanna hurt you, but if you enjoy it…he gets into it
Tim Drake:
He deserves a nice handjob honestly
Tease him!!
Gaming with him quickly turns into him getting desperate
You guys in the kitchen when the manor is empty
Relaxing with him
You offer to shower with him when he gets back home
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨
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monst · 2 months ago
Confessions of a Batboy: 
Freaky shit that drives them crazy!
Extra: 18+ Content (MDI) Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Duke Thomas (Aged-up), Damian Al Gul-Wayne (Aged-up), Dick Grayson: 
Tim Drake
Your Scent. Just a whiff and he’s more than ready. Especially when you've been apart for too long? That’s when he goes straight for the source, shamelessly dropping to his knees to part your thighs his nose pressed right up to your clit or just underneath your balls right where it meets the shaft. A throaty moan as if he's just smelled the most decadent meal. “Please baby just a taste? Missed you so much.” Inhaling like your crotch is his substitute for oxygen. 
Jason Todd 
When you wear his gun holster. The fabric of it squeezing the meat of your thighs? Skin pinching and overflowing? “You look so good like this. Come here.” He’s quickly pulling you to sit on his face he doesn't mind dying for the nth time if it's like this. He’s begging you to put your fingers in his hair and just pull. While his fingers squeeze your thighs his fingers tugging at the straps of his drop leg holster. He can barely breathe as he forces you down onto him harder, god he'll cum if you keep this up.
Duke Thomas
His jersey, please! The way it looks bunched up around your waist as he hits it from the back? Mmm, When you toss it back on when you're done. It never fails to spark a heat in his lions when he sees you in it. Forget about lingerie. Something about seeing ‘Thomas’ across your back does it for him. All the time. “You look so good in my shirt.” His hands already sliding the material up, eyes focused on each new inch of exposed skin. It's a familiar sight at this point but damn he’s already worked up about it. 
Damian Al Gul-Wayne
Jewelry. Anything shiny decorating your skin has him spellbound. It wasn’t always the case but after a night of recreating the Jack and Rose ‘Paint Me like one of your French girls’ scene, the memory is ascribed to any jewelry you wear. The erotic nature of the event never fails in inviting molten lava to replace his blood. “You look dazzling beloved.” His voice is a couple of octaves lower. His hand hot on the small of your back as he guides you to the exit. He needs to see you in only that. “I don’t think we’ll be missed if we leave early.” 
Dick Grayson
Body hair. A peek of your pubes just above the waistband of your underwear? You in his muscle tank just puttering around his place with hair on your pits? It gets him hot under the collar. “Oh! You didn’t shave.” Please, He couldn’t hide his giddy tone even if he tried. You can try asking him why he likes it so much and he’ll flush, with no concrete answer. Too many reasons! One is that usually, he's clean-shaven so he loves the contrast. The feel of it on his skin, whether it’s against his crotch or face hhgh.
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girlkisser13 · 4 months ago
dating tim drake would include
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• tim is really sweet. he’ll kiss you to welcome you home or say goodbye when he goes out on patrol and he’ll happily carry you to bed if you fall asleep on the sofa and makes sure to tell you that he loves you everyday.
• he hacks your computer sometimes (for good reasons though). like you’ll just turn on your computer/laptop and your background is changed to a picture of you and tim together. <33
• even though everyone knows that you’re dating he still gets quite flustered and is prone to blushing if you call him a pet name in front of others. (you’d definitely do this just to see him blush).
• tim has your coffee order memorized (no matter how complicated it is).
• tim is SUPER clingy when he’s sleepy, like he can be needy and just want to hug and kiss you all the time. they’re kinda sloppy because he’s tired but his lust for affection is still cute.
• he cuddles or hugs you any chance he gets to make up for the many hours he spends on his computer away from you.
• since he’s a detective, he notices every detail including anything off about yourself. if something is wrong he will notice immediately no matter how good you are at hiding it, afterward he’d do pretty much anything to make you feel better. (even leave his computer for a day or so).
• he notices everything about you. favorite flower, favorite color, he always seems to notice that you’re cold even before you do and wraps his jacket around you. that intense focus can be a lot, sometimes, a bit overwhelming even. but at the same time you’re touched that he just seems so interested in everything about you. he wants to learn every last detail about you and is willing to take the time to do so.
• tim works really hard and doesn’t keep regular sleep patterns as a result, which means it’s up to you to make sure he gets proper sleep most of the time. plus, you’re one of the few people he actually listens to since you’re basically his favourite person. <33
• you have to learn most of his sweet spots to use against him whenever you’re trying to drag him away from the computer for a break.
• he remembers important dates even if it’s last minute— he still remembers. anniversaries, birthdays, you name it and if it’s anything to do with you then he’ll remember it and usually buys the best gifts for you.
• he celebrates the most ridiculous anniversaries, and he always remembers them. like, “it’s been one year since the first time you held my hand” or “it’s been a month since we went to that fair and rode the ferris wheel”.
• he lets you play with his hair and it’s so entertaining, he doesn’t mind and finds it relaxing when you run your fingers through it, he always checks to see what he looks like after you’ve styled it whether it be a man bun, ponytail, or braids. you told him that he looked good in a loose ponytail once and you he didn’t take it out for whole day.
• the two of you get take out food at least once a week because tim cannot cook to save his life, he just gets too distracted and the food gets burnt. he will also take time just to eat with you and ask about your day rather than work or will watch tv with you.
• tim LOVES watching detective shows with you but but sometimes it can get annoying because will usually ruin the ending by telling you who the criminal is and the exact reasons for his motives so it’s difficult to ignore the fact he just destroyed the next 45 minutes for you.
• he’s a literal genius so if you need help with anything he is on it, he’s actually written your essays for you before but you know that you couldn’t pass them off as your own because it’s not your writing style and you redo them using his basic ideas. you’re very appreciative of his assistance but tell him he doesn’t need to do that for you. however, he shakes it off as if it was nothing.
• he loves you and your acceptance of his coffee loving and sleep-deprived ways. <33
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keys-hellscape-1020 · 3 months ago
Sharing a Blunt with them
A/N: I honestly feel like out of all of them Tim would be the only one to smoke butttt this is fiction and I do what I want so I hope you all enjoy. Also I went to my first ever county fair today and I got licked by a cow. I can die happy now.
Dick Grayson x gn!reader, Jason Todd x gn!reader, Tim Drake x gn!reader
Content warnings: Weed, descriptions of getting high, Jason’s and Tim’s get smutty (my bad), oral sex (but it’s not detailed)
Dick Grayson
So this man would only get high if he’d been with you for a while. At first he out right refused to do anything with you, which you had respected. Over time however he sees how it affects you and he gets… curious.
It’s a lazy Saturday evening, Dick had gotten some of his many siblings to cover his patrol for him so he could take the night off with you. He’s watching you roll a blunt when he speaks so softly you can barely hear him.
“Could I try it?” He asks softly, watching the way you roll the paper with practiced precision.
You blank for a moment, stopping your movements as you glance up at him. When you’d first gotten together he’d been adamantly against doing it, and yet here he was… asking for a hit.
“Sure.” You say softly as you finish rolling it. You reach for a lighter and let the flame lick against the end of the blunt. You take a small hit and exhale into the air above you before passing the blunt to Dick.
“You ever hit anything before?” Dick shakes his head dumbly, like all thought had left his brain just from thinking of getting high.
“Alright.” You say as you gently guide his hand, and thus the blunt, towards his mouth. “Just suck on it like a straw for a half second, and then take a deep breath in.”
He hesitates a moment, looking at you for confirmation. When he gets it in the form of a gentle nod from you he follows your instructions and inhales carefully.
You wait a moment before pulling his wrist back, not wanting him to get to high right off the bat. You watch as he exhaled shakily, hesitating a moment before keeling over in a coughing fit. “Shit, sorry baby I forgot to warn you about the coughing.” You exclaim, rubbing his back gently in an attempt to soothe him. “You’ll be okay. Just breathe through it babe. Just breathe.”
It takes a few moments but he does stop coughing, and when he sits up he has a slightly glassy look in his eyes. “Holy shit.” He mummers. “I didn’t think that’d do anything.”
You can’t help but laugh gently as you take another hit, still gently rubbing his shoulder. “You okay baby?” You ask as you exhale, smoke billowing out of your mouth as you speak.
He nods, gazing upon you in what seems to be awe. “I uh- I really didn’t think that’d do anything.” He repeats and he leans forward to rest his forehead against your shoulder. You run your fingers through his hair as you finish off the rest of the blunt, Dick sitting still against your side.
As you finish off the blunt and toss the end into a nearby ash tray you carefully refocus your attention on the pile of vigilante that’s glued to your side. “You sure you’re okay baby?” You ask carefully, getting a half awake nod in response.
In the future when Dick gets high with you it goes much the same, he takes one, maybe two hits and he is out for the count. He gets clingy and touchy while high, not capable of doing much outside of craving skin contact and rambling about how pretty you are. Give him some water and don’t leave him alone until he’s more or less sober again and he’ll be just fine.
Overall, as long as you know what you’re doing, 7/10 to share a blunt with.
Jason Todd
This man has gotten high before, but he only does it once in a blue moon when he’s really stressed and his options for stress relief are either getting high or brutally killing someone. He knows it’s not healthy, but that’s never stopped him before. And besides, he still feels it’s better than the alternative.
I feel like the first time you get high with him would be on a stormy night, you’re lounging in bed in one of Jay’s T-shirts and a pair of sleep shorts. You’re on your phone, waiting until your common sense kicks in and tells you to put it down and go to sleep.
You’re lazily scrolling when you jump out of bed due to the sounds of crashing, stomping, and cursing coming from your living room. You carefully creep down your dimly let hallway, the baseball bat you keep under your bed gripped tightly in your hands.
You visibly relax at the sight of Jason in your living room, Red Hood helmet thrown on the floor and fiddling with something in his hands.
“You’re back early.” You say softly, resting your baseball bat against the wall as you walk behind him, resting your hands on his leather-clad shoulders.
He makes a vague grunt of acknowledgment at you and you peer over his shoulder to see what he’s doing. You stare in shock when you see him rolling a blunt.
“Uh, you gonna smoke that Jay?” You ask blankly, your grip on his shoulders loose in shock.
“Well I’m not messing with this shitty paper for fun.” He grunts quietly, laser focused on what his hands were doing.
You hop over the back of the couch to land next to him, resting your head on his shoulder as you watch him finish rolling the blunt, light it, and take a long drag. He exhales deeply before offering it to you.
You take the blunt and take a drag before passing it back to him. “Didn’t know you smoked Jay.” You mumble, pressing yourself against his side. He responds by leaning against the back of the couch with a groan, wrapping his arm around your shoulder while man-spreading shamelessly.
“Not normally.” He explains as he takes another hit. “But people were being fucking stupid today.” As he speaks his arm tightens around you slightly
You let out a hum of acknowledgment as he hands you the blunt, taking another hit as you look him up and down thoughtfully. “I could help take your mind off that.” You comment, already moving to lower yourself between his meaty thighs.
If this man is getting high, you know he’s very stressed. Give him some sloppy head and let him rut into you tiredly to help take his mind off it.
Overall 8/10 to get high with.
Tim Drake
Now this man is a whole different story, this man gets high at least 3 times a week. He comes home from a hard patrol? He’s pulling out a cart and taking a blinker before researching his latest case (he’s a firm believer he does his best work while blasted).
You want to spend a night in and get high? Sign him the fuck up. He’s not really a fan of blunts, he says they’re too much work, but he only gets the best of the best quality carts.
He’s fun to get high with too, he’ll lay across your lap, eyes tinged red as he takes another hit and coughs out a laugh before going on a rant about moth man and how he’s about 47% certain that’s he’s real. Say anything that vaguely sounds like a contradiction and he’ll launch into a rant about how you’re supposed to be on his side (all the while practically trying to bury himself in your skin).
Oh and you’ll be in for a long night if you get clingy while high. You lightly run your finger tips over his hip bone, trace a finger nail over the muscle of his arm, practically anything, and the next thing you know you’re on your back, your pants are nowhere to be seen, and you’re getting head so good you’re seeing stars. Tim normally has something to prove, Tim while high sees nothing wrong with showing you just why he’s the best. And if you can barely walk tomorrow? Well that’s just an added bonus.
You should definitely get high with Tim if given the chance, he’s bound to make you laugh and otherwise enjoy yourself. But whatever you do, make sure you have no plans tomorrow morning.
Overall 10/10, hope you don’t like walking cause you won’t be doing much of it.
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chikaras-garden · 11 months ago
tell me about Jason and Tim’s cocks and how they make us feelllllllll
Six of you asked for this.
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I’d say his cock is perfectly average. Just enough length, just enough girth, a subtle curve that reaches up into your depths—a true Goldilocks, if you will. The true magic of Tim Drake’s cock, however, comes from the man himself.
Always watching, always listening, Tim is the most attentive of lovers. He’s obsessed with watching you come undone around him, so he takes in each of your little reactions in order to guide you to an orgasm that has you seeing stars. Whatever you like—believe me, he knows. He sees you. He’ll do anything you need, no questions asked, no explanations needed.
So he works his cock into you as if he was made to be inside you, pretty whines falling out of his lips as his head falls forward and nestles into your neck. He defaults to praise, telling you how good you feel, how much he loves your pussy—and he finds all the right spots, sets just the right pace, says all the right words to make you forget that any cock but his even exists.
Proportionally large compared to the rest of his body, which is, you know, large. You thought you knew what to expect when you first went to bed with him, but despite the fact that you expected big, you didn’t expect, well…him.
Despite his average length, he’s girthy as hell; because he knows it, because he’d rather die again than hurt you, he’ll spend hours prepping you. While he has you, he likes to take his time with you, maybe even make you whimper and beg a little. Tongue first, then one finger, then two, then three, all with the single-minded goal of slowly working you open enough to take him, to welcome him home. Home. Sex with Jason, is a place, an event, a feeling—something to which nothing else could ever compare.
And yet, no prep could make you ready for the delicious, warm, mind-numbing stretch that comes with his cock diving into your heat. He moves slowly—agonizingly slowly—and tries to distract and soothe you with kisses, but being spread open by him feels so sweet, so tender, as if your cunt is being remade to fit perfectly around him.
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idyllcy · 5 months ago
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God, I want Childhood Friend!Tim Drake
childhood friend!Tim whom your family trusts with your life for some twisted reason despite your protests about how he's more reckless than you
childhood friend!Tim who your friends all pester you about — well aware of the silly crush you've had on him since childhood
childhood friend!Tim who scared your family shitless when he revealed he dropped out of high school to search for his adoptive father
childhood friend!Tim who despite his status as drop out, your family still asks to have him over for dinner
childhood friend! Tim who has been at every single major event in your life whether in or out of his Robin mantle, flowers always in his arms as he greets you
childhood friend! Tim who has a file of photos of just you
childhood friend! Tim who happens to be... adding to that file at the moment
"Stop covering your face." He mumbles, fingers reaching to clasp around your wrist as you crane your neck to hide from his camera. "Please? Come on. You always look so pretty like this."
You only squirm in response.
"Come on." He whispers, pulling your wrist from your face as he's breathless from the way you look. "There you go. You're so pretty like this, birdie."
You try focusing on the way his camera clicks, but your eyes roll further back as he gives you a particularly harsh thrust — making you see stars. You trust that he wouldn't share the photos even if he was at death's door. You trust him with your life, but it doesn't mean you aren't embarrassed that he wants a photo of you like this so bad.
"Ah, Tim." You try, voice coming out in a whimper.
"Yes, birdie?"
"That's right, birdie." A hand moves down to hold you down by the hip, speeding up. "Let me see that gorgeous look on your face when you cum."
You make him swear on his hard drive to never let the photo that he gets of you fucked out see the light of day. (not that he would've either way. only he gets to see you so vulnerable.)
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fluffy-anna · 6 months ago
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Tim Drake aka Red Robin wallpaper
I relate to tim in ways I have not related to religion
As the poll results asked, here we go
My favorite cynic and bi disaster and the epitome of sleep deprived middle child
Here you go 🩷🩷🩷
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saylorsaysstop · 9 months ago
Sleeping Together | 18+
also shout out to @joyful-enchantress because after she commented on my Grayson post earlier, this all came to my mind. 🤪
**underneath the cut**
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Dick talks you through it. He wants you to be vocal and makes it his top priority that your needs are met first
"Tell me what you need, baby." - "That's it, just like that, baby. You're close, aren't ya? Yeah, look at you. Come on, grind a little harder. I know you can do it."
Giving head is a sport for Grayson and he excels at it. He eats you out like you're his last meal
The man is an acrobat. He's flexible. All the positions he can get the two of you in should be new entries in the Kama Sutra
Dick loveeeees head in return. He won't ever make you do it or ask, but he loves that you're so eager to pleasure him
"I've been good, haven't I? No other reason to explain why you're gifting me that hot mouth of yours, sweet girl."
Dick isn't afraid to moan either. He knows when the noises start coming out of his mouth, you get off quicker
Let's go back to that acrobatic thing. He may or may not figure out ways to suspend you in the air... He may or may not be such a kinky man that he's got a separate room in your house where he plays sports with you... I'm not admitting it, I'm just saying
Loves for you to suck him off when your head hanging off the edge of the bed. He also loves to eat you out simultaneously
Dick Grayson is a boob man. Both hands on deck, he squeezes and teases your nipples by plucking them between his fingers. Loves to suck on them until they're stiff peaks. Likes to push two fingers into you while he bites your nipple, stroking until he hits that sweet spot. You're a goner after that
Loves for you to take what you want
"Atta girl, ride it just like that. This dick belongs to you, right? Act like it. Pleasure yourself... Yeah, go ahead and play with your clit. Wanna see you come. You're so pretty when you do."
Dick treasures loving on you after sex. He rewards you for your good behavior and a job well done with baths, massages, you name it. He ensures you're taken care of and reminds you that he loves you dearly
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Jason likes it rough. He loves it when he sees your marks on him, whether it be teeth or nails. He collects each one like it is a kill
Ropes? Knife play? Any sort of bondage? Jason Todd is your man
Loves to bind your hands above your head while he rails you deep into the mattress. Loves the idea of you being helpless and unable to take it anymore. Gets him off real quick
Loves some dirty talk
"Take this dick like a good girl." - "You're soaking wet, babe. All this for me?" - "Not gonna waste a drop of this cum, you hear me? You won't let a drop leak outta this cunt - my cunt. You got that?"
Jason likes to get right by your ear while he grunts with each thrust, nipping your earlobe in between before trailing his tongue down your neck and sucking on your collarbone
"Gonna mark this pretty neck up, baby."
You two go at each other until you're a panting mess. Clothes strewn all over the place. Jason and you stare up at the ceiling, laughing like teenagers as you calm down from the high
"I think that was my new personal best. Ten orgasms. Ten!"
Yeah. Jason likes to place bets on who can give the other more orgasms in one night. Right now, he's winning
Jason loves your butt. Loves to slap your cheeks as he bends you over his lap as a warm-up. Carresses and bites the plump skin when he's kissing his way down your body before he hikes your legs over his shoulders and feasts
Likes to feel you breathe against him. He loves to feel your chest rise and fall when he's on top and you're panting for every breath while chasing your orgasm
He's a man who likes to edge that's for sure
"Uh-uh... That wasn't it. You can do better than that. Moan a little louder, that's it..." - "I'm being mean? No, you just need to work harder to come. You wanted this." - "Atta girl. I promise I'll let you come after this."
Jason's aftercare is you two taking a hot bath together where he can just hold your back to his chest and actually talk. You're his safe space
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Tim, albeit quiet, is a delectable switch. One day he's all soft and endearing, the next he's plowing you into next week (and blushing when you mention it afterward
He does a lot of studying on sex. What positions feel the best for you, different ways he can go down to ensure he has you screaming his name for all of Gotham to hear
Gets a little possessive during sex, especially when he's losing himself in it
"You're mine, do you hear me? Mine, sweetheart. Mine." - "No one else is going to claim you. You belong to me."
He likes it when you pull his hair, especially when he's going down. Feeling you guide him further into you is like a bolt of electricity shooting down his spine
Tim loves to get you relaxed before sex too, especially if he knows it's going to be a long night. He'll run you a warm bath, pamper you with sweet-scented lotions, and get you nice and ready before he unleashes. Fun fact, those nights are when you know he's gonna get rough
Tim won't admit it aloud but he loves a good missionary position or where you two lay facing each other. He loves to caress your face and kiss you softly as he takes you
"Lift your leg, sweetheart... That's it. C'mere. Let me watch that gorgeous face of yours when you fall apart for me, yeah?"
Like Dick and Jason, he VALUES aftercare so. Freaking. Much! Takes a warm cloth to the mess he made between your legs and kisses along the heated skin, telling you how much he loves you
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nightwngz · 8 months ago
𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝. 𝒕. drake ✮ eng. . . !
tim drake x female!reader
WARNINGS. . . porn with plot. friends with benefits. fingering, face riding, sex (p in v)
COPYRIGHT. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
LANGUAGE. . . english is not my first language and I am still studying to master it. It makes me insecure to write by myself in another language, so I used the translator. I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
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You had never thought of Tim Drake as anything other than your best friend, the guy you trusted and could turn to whenever you were worried about something.
He was your emotional refuge, a place where you could feel completely vulnerable, where you could share all your concerns, knowing that he would be honored to listen.
At the time, you would have sworn that you would never think of Tim as anything other than a friend. But time began to form a deeper bond between you and him.
Conversations that used to be a fun time between friends began to turn into a strange and strangely palpable tension. The hugs grew longer, the rubbing of your bodies more intense, and every lingering look seemed to contain a caged lasciviousness that only you could understand.
As time passed, the emotions you had sworn you would never feel for Tim began to flutter inside you. You found yourself thinking about him differently, noticing how your skin prickled when he touched you, how your sexual fantasies about his person began to invade your mind.
Ever since you started sleeping together and made the deal to be, as Jason said, "friends with benefits," your best friend discovered there was a side of you he didn't know.
You didn't mind invading his room because you wanted to be devoured by someone. You were not afraid to kneel on either side of Tim's head, just because you wanted to ride his face.
Fortunately for you, your friend was incredibly good at the task of eating you. His tongue pushed obscenely between your wet folds to open them, his fingers were busy fluttering against the pleasure cap that ached from lack of attention. With these movements, you gave in to him; the surge of pleasure and the sensitivity you kept in your wet pussy made his touch make you see stars.
— Hold on a little longer. I'm not done yet.
Your hole was getting closer to the emptiness of the stimulation he was giving you. You imagined what his face would be like underneath you, and just the thought of him with his whole mouth smeared from your crying pussy brought you that much closer to the edge.
But to have him look into your eyes as he squeezed your clit with his lips and then scraped it with his tongue was too much for you to bear. The orgasm hit you so hard that Tim didn't even see it coming until his whole mouth was covered with your wonderful taste.
He gave you no respite from the hypersensitivity your previous orgasm had left you with, so he immediately began to fuck you without pity through the hole he had just abused.
With his thumb, he sweetly stroked your center again to make you feel completely at ease with the onslaught.
You felt full. You felt his body fit perfectly into yours, as if he had been made to fuck you. His hot skin burned against yours as his pelvis slammed into you, making a lurid sound that could be heard throughout the room. It was too much to bear.
— T-Tim, Tim! - You cried on his shoulder. - I want you to come inside me, I can't stand it anymore.
You moved to kiss him instead of letting him answer. Your tongue was focused enough on exploring his mouth when you felt the thick, hot fluid between your legs.
You might never be the same friends again, but you could live with it.
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froggyfics · 9 months ago
Submissive Batboys Headcanons
This was requested! I was also inspired by another anon to post something for Valentine's Day!!! So, here's a special treat!
Please note that all characters are 18+. If you do not feel comfortable with NSFW content, do not continue reading.
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome! 
Pairing: Batfam x gn!reader
Theme: Smut
Word Count: 652
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Bruce Wayne:
takes a good minute to convince him to be a sub
he DESPISES not being in control, so to have him give up control in a vulnerable and intimate setting, you have to be someone special.
he’s not gonna do it with just anybody
this needs to be planned out well in advance
would probably end up loving it, because omg everyone needs a break from being a control freak every once in a while.
he’ll probably be into some form of masochism (duh! he’s Batman! don’t know how you can get any more masochistic than that)
wax and impact play would probably be the most probable kinks in this dynamic (anything that makes him not think his responsibilities)
Dick Grayson:
you probably don’t even need to bring this conversation up. he’d probably do it himself :D
super adventurous in the bedroom, so this would def be a dynamic that is commonplace
probably thinks it’s fun to switch things up every once in a while!
he’ll pretty much be down for anything you want to do
honestly would love be pegged (he doesn’t want to be able to walk tomorrow)
he aims to please! your satisfaction is his utmost priority
however, he would definitely be a bratty sub.
he would talk back and mouth off, just so you could punish him (it’s not really a punishment if he really wants it though, is it?)
Jason Todd:
this is a really interesting one to think about!
i think it’s very similar to Bruce
you have to someone super special for him to even entertain this 
you’d have to go super slow. multiple conversations are required and check-ins throughout the act are necessary 
with that being said, he just wants to be loved and to love! he wants to explore this dynamic, but he holds back due to previous trauma. he would be down with anything with the person he’s comfortable with but!!!!!! would definitely have to be a scheduled event, so that everything is discussed beforehand
he would enjoy it! the liberation he experiences by letting go is euphoric. it’s just the prep that takes a bit of time
delayed orgasms, rope play, and some light impact play would probably most interest him
aftercare would be extremely important and will be the highlight of the entire experience
Tim Drake:
he would probably bring it up first, as well :D
down for anything! super adventurous and with his outstanding detective skills, he probably knows more about you want/like more than you
you’ll be completely surprised at how accurate he is
he’d be so fun to experiment with! again, he wants to do anything you want to do
he wouldn’t be all that bratty - he wants the best of the best for you and he lives to please!
he would likely be into slave/service sub dynamics
delayed orgasms would totally be his thing!!!! he’s also a rope bunny
don’t get my man confused, he is not inherently a sub. he’s just a damn good switch, and it all depends on his mood
he is not quiet whatsoever! he is gonna let you KNOW what he likes
Adult!Damian Wayne:
you definitely would have to bring this up to him
he might take a moment to mull it over, but he will agree to your demands rather quickly 
he thinks it’s funny more than anything, thinking that you could be a dom, but he likes it way more than he lets it on initially
you would have to take baby steps, but soon enough it becomes more commonplace for him to sub
spanking and wax play is at the top of his list. it’s also an ego thing - he wants to show off to you and to himself how much pain he can handle
he’s super bratty, so you just have to smack him around 
lowkey loves seeing the bruises on himself afterwards
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delusionsofgrandeur13 · 7 months ago
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tim drake x reader
not nsfw yet but will be!
series inspired by Casual by Chappell Roan
readers can expect: fem reader x tim drake. party/alcohol mentions, reader drinks, isn’t really affected. creepy drunk guy/unwanted flirting. sexual innuendos.
you’d seen him before, of course. on the cover of trashy tabloids in supermarket lines, ordering coffee at the college cafe. but this was the first time you’d seen him at a party.
you pull down the hem of your dress, red and so tight breathing was out of the question. you lick your thumb and, bending down, try to rub out the scuff on the toe of your right doc marten. you take as big of a breath as the dress allowed and put the most confident smile you could onto your face. you weren’t used to going to these kinds of frat parties, where the member’s lives were funded solely by old family money. the frat house had been paid for by lucius fox for his son to have somewhere ‘suitable’ to live. it was bruce fucking wayne’s former frat. you can’t imagine you’ll even talk to anyone the whole night. why would you? those kinds of boys were never your type, ever. but they were lydia’s. she’d been invited by her guy of the month, and in turn, invited you as emotional support. the laws of friendship demanded your attendance.
“you ready?”
you nod as lydia links her arm through yours, and pulls you up the pathway to the door of the frat house. you can hear the bass pounding through the windows, the house dark yet full of sound. a boy leans up against the dark wood, his arms crossed lazily. he lifts his head up, looking you both up and down, lydia in purple, you in red. something about him made you want to run home, yelling excuses for why you’d used a coupon at the store the other day and why your dress was secondhand. he sniffed, nodding, and moved aside to open the door for you both. the music washed over you in a wave, a little disorienting.
as soon as you crossed the threshold, lydia squeezed your arm and darted up the stairs, where her guy was waiting. you look around, trying to not fold in on yourself. the keg was in the corner, with some guys looking rather eager for anyone to volunteer to keg stand. you veer in the other direction. groups of people every so often burst into laughter, and you shiver. old money laughter was chilling. couples were scattered throughout the house, grinding on the stairs, sitting on each others laps on the couch.
you hadn’t been in a relationship for two and a half years, and every person since then had just been sort of a rebound..and then another rebound, and another, and another. you didn’t miss your ex, you just were no longer sold on the lovey dovey, ooey gooey, valentine’s day, til death do us part type of love.
the island in the kitchen was topped with marble, and you blinked, harshly reminded again of where you were. you grab a red solo cup, laughing internally at the fact that no matter who was throwing the party, those cups were present. you mixed yourself a rum and coke, more coke than rum. a frat house was a frat house.
your neck prickles, and you turn with your drink, leaning up against the island. the vibes of this place were giving you all kinds of heebie jeebies. a blonde girl in a pristine white tennis skirt flounced past, giving you a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. you return it, your expression turning into a grimace as you catch a glimpse of the guy making his way towards you. his light brown hair was cut way too short for his face shape, and nose was crooked like it’d been broken multiple times, then reset, then broken again and left like that. his green eyes were watery, red and bloodshot. he looked at you, hungry, and you felt like you were in a lion’s den, your flesh about to be stripped clean of your bones. his left hand was preoccupied with holding an entire bottle of vodka, which, with a glance at the label, said it was bubblegum flavored. your mouth twisted, thinking of the way that would taste coming back up.
he put his free hand on the counter next to you, cornering you. he leaned down, his breath telling you exactly what bubblegum flavored vodka tasted like.
“i haven’t seen you before. why?”
the rum and coke mixture in your mouth soured at the thought of this guy getting any closer to you.
“it doesn’t matter because you won’t be seeing me again.” you try to sidestep him, but he moves closer, setting his vodka on the island.
his arms were bracketing you in now, and your heart rate picked up speed. you silently begged lydia to come down the stairs and save you, but it was hopeless. the look in his eyes made you curse yourself for coming, for being anywhere that he was. he opened his mouth to say something else, but froze, looking at something over your shoulder.
“eric.” the voice came from behind you. it was masculine, and it sounded friendly enough, but you and eric both seemed to understand the underlying warning. he grabbed his vodka, leaning away, but still a step too close.
“tim.” eric nodded to whoever was behind you, his demeanor suddenly almost..respectful.
he then gulped, which you would’ve laughed at if he wasn’t still so close to you. your neck prickled again. he mumbled as he walked away, grumbling into the mouth of his bottle about frat presidents and how unfair it all was. he shot another glance back towards the kitchen before turning the corner, his lip curling.
you didn’t turn, instead taking another swig from your plastic cup. it crinkled in your hand as you relaxed your grip on it. someone was tapping out a rhythm on the marble. it sounded impatient, and you internally rolled your eyes before turning around. tim drake wayne was standing behind you, leaning his forearms on the countertop. his thick dark hair was coiffed in a way that probably took him hours but was meant to look like it just air dried that way. his jeans were tailored, but sat low on his hips. the dark fabric of his sweater looked like it would cost a month’s rent, and you had to resist the urge to reach out and feel it between your fingertips.
he stopped drumming his fingers, and your face grew hot, realizing you’d basically just been checking him out. he returned the favor, looking you up and down with half-lidded eyes and a cheshire cat smile. if eric was a lion, tim was a black panther. he’d probably play with you like a yarn ball, batting at you until you unraveled. being in his presence felt dangerous. you felt the burning gaze of a few others in the room who would probably cut off their pinky finger to be in your position. you shifted your weight off of the counter, standing up to walk away. you got two steps, stopping when tim called out after you.
“no.” he said. you spin, taking in the look on his face, his eyebrows pinched like a petulant child. you felt your own eyebrows raising as your entitled-rich-boy tank reached capacity.
“..no? what do you mean, no?” you replied, incredulous.
“don’t leave.”
“right. bye!” you turn to go find lydia, stopping in your tracks when tim suddenly slides in front of you. you suck in a breath, surprised at how fast he can move.
“maybe i wanted to talk to you.”
“what if i don’t want to listen?” you retort. his dark blue eyes flash, and the cheshire cat smile stretches across his face again.
“then don’t. give me your wrist.” he raises an eyebrow like a challenge, holding his hand out.
you comply, not really understanding why, and he’s pulling a pen out of his jeans, uncapping it. his grip on your wrist is firm but not painful, his hand warm and surprisingly calloused. the pen bites into the skin attaching the seam of your wrist and hand.
“there.” he finishes writing, pocketing the pen. “a new accessory to match that dress.”
the digits of his phone number wrap your wrist like a bracelet, and your heart stutters a little, your cheeks pinking.
“thank you?” you say, your words coming out as more of a question than you realize.
he winks, dragging his eyes up the length of your body again.
“maybe next time i’ll give you a pearl necklace.”
you blink and he’s gone, his lean back disappearing behind a corner. your heartbeat thumps in time to the music. you never thought you’d be in the presence of a wayne, let alone get one of their phone numbers. you stare at your wrist, memorizing the numbers like there’ll be a test on them later. lydia appears, her makeup smudged and her hair undone. she grabs your arm, shaking it a little.
“hey, all good to go? what’s that on your wrist?”
you shake your head, dropping it down by your side.
“nothing.” you smile at her, linking your arm through hers. “how was it?”
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nxtaliaistyping · 6 days ago
Batfamily | p links part three
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(Gotta be logged into Twitter for links to work)
Nsfw 18+, had lots of requests for various members of the batfamily so I’m combining them all, part one and two
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
Bruce Wayne:
Says he wants you to be loud when he fucks you in a hotel to keep up his playboy image…but really he just loves to hear you
In his fancy car
He’s huge…but that’s expected
One time when Alfred took a rare day off, you wanted to cook dinner for the both of you…and Bruce loved the image of you more than he should have
When he caught you sunbathing in the garden
Dick Grayson:
Yeah he’s defo the type to play chase atlantic on his speakers while you’re both at it
He offers you a massage…
Blow him when he’s had a bad day
You’re the one who kept making comments about how he’d be ‘such a great dad’…are you surprised this is how you ended up?
When the tabloids took pictures of Bruce Wayne’s eldest buying this in a sex shop, he was trending on Twitter for days
Jason Todd:
Loves fingering you like this, so he has full access to watching your twitching hole
Loves an alt girl
He’s got big hands, and he loves to just see the size difference
This is so him, he takes pleasure in your pleasure
Has you hold your cheeks open so he can see just how big he is compared to you
Tim Drake:
sub tim sub tim sub tim
He just thinks you’re soooo pretty in a skirt!! He can’t help it!!!
Sometimes he’s in a rougher mood
This screams Tim vibes honestly
You film this, and send it to him when you want to tease him while he’s away
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monst · 28 days ago
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Day 1: Double penetration | Tim Drake & Kon-El
Day 2: Spit roast | Dick Grayson
Day 3: Sex pollen | Jason Todd
Day 4: Shibari | Kakashi Hatake
Day 5: Edging | Bruce Wayne
Day 6: Pet play | Aizawa Shouta
Day 7: Impact play | Dabi
Day 8: Lactation | Omega! Jason Todd 
Day 9: Piss | Slade Wilson
Day 10: Voyeurism | Civilian! Tim Drake 10/28🙈
Bonus: Catwoman! Selina Kyle 10/31
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girlkisser13 · 3 months ago
giving tim drake head
pairings: tim drake x gn!reader
warnings/tags: smut (18+), oral sex (t receiving), handjob, sub tim drake, soft dom reader
divider by @plutism
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tim breathed heavily and threw his head back as you planted multiple kisses on his neck, sucking once you found his sweet spot, making him release a small moan and squeeze your hips from where his hands were placed.
you brought your head back up and enveloped his lips in yours, tongues against each other.
“please” he whispered, a whiny tone to his voice. “what is it baby, tell me what you want?” you breathed, disconnecting your lips and leaning your forehead against his.
“so needy” you chuckled, shaking your head and kissing from his lips to his chin, all the way down to his throat. tim could feel his heart rate speed up when you slid down to your knees, scraping them against the carpet.
you placed soft kisses on both of his thighs, then one on the tent that had formed on his pyjama pants.
he involuntarily bucked his hips up, making you shoot a threatening look that had him swallowing hard.
you pulled down his pants, mouth watering when his cock popped out, the tip a dark shade of red, pre-cum leaking.
tim gave a shuddered moan when you wrapped your hand around him, slowly jerking him off. “how does that feel timmy?” you questioned.
“g-good, so good” he mumbled, head leaning back onto the couch. “mhm i bet” you hummed, taking him by surprise when you suddenly put him in your mouth. tim moaned louder at this. causing you to disconnect from him. “shh baby, wouldn’t want anyone coming in and seeing you be such a slut huh?” you faked sympathy, jutting out your bottom lip in an attempt at a fake pout.
he shook his head no and gulped harshly, looking down at you with a hopeful look. you gave a smirk in return and went back down, completely bottoming out and letting his cock go down your throat, a gag emitting from you while tim gave a small whimper.
you brought your head back up and started bobbing it rapidly, gurgling sounds erupting from you, tim’s mouth a perfect “o” as he breathed raggedly.
to amplify the pleasure, you hollowed your cheeks in, sucking slower. “oh god” he murmured from above you, almost cumming at the mere sight of you on your knees for him.
your tongue traced the tip lightly, making him hiss softly. one hand wrapped around what you couldn’t fit into your mouth as you sucked him slowly yet harshly, your other hand reaching down to squeeze his balls.
“i-i’m close y/n” he warned, tone quiet. you raised your eyebrows in understanding and sped up your hand, yet your mouth continued that slow torturous pace.
you brought your head up enough to mumble, “aw are going to cum timmy? i can you feel you getting all twitchy” before going back down, breathing harshly through your nose.
“please, f-faster” he pleaded, his orgasm on the brink of falling as his cheeks flushed red.
you gave a small upturn of your lips at his begging, yet you took him by surprise when you indeed sped up with your mouth, sucking sounds now being resonated throughout the room.
both you and tim felt his balls flexing up and without having time to even warn you, his cum filled your mouth, stopping you in your tracks as it caught you by surprise.
you still let him ride out his high, sucking softly on the tip while his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
you finished him up with a pop! when you removed him from your mouth, lips glistening with his arousal.
“d-did i do good?” he asked shyly as you climbed on his lap again.
“you did wonderful, darling”
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keys-hellscape-1020 · 3 months ago
Stoner!Tim Drake
A/N: to the one nonny who requested this I’m SO sorry I deleted your ask I feel so bad!
Stoner!Tim Drake x gn!Reader
Content warnings: descriptions of Weed, descriptions of getting high, Tim calls reader baby, descriptions of physical touch, mentions of dominant and submissive behavior, mentions of orgasm control, mentions of possessiveness,
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this man very rarely smokes blunts. He typically sticks to carts and sometimes edibles. If someone offers him a blunt he’s not gonna turn it down, but it’s not something he seeks out. He just thinks they’re too much work, plus he typically gets distracted by something else, leading to them burning out before he gets the chance to take the last couple hits.
He only buys the best of the best quality carts however, especially if he’s sharing with you. No half-assed shit for his baby. He also has an insane amount of them. You open his nightstand? Cart. His kitchen cabinet? A Tupperware with 2 different carts and way too many edibles to be considered normal. You go to clean his Red Robin uniform for him? He has 3 carts in his utility belt. When you ask him about why he has so many in his crime-fighting uniform he just shrugs and says “Different types of highs baby.”
He also seems to get high at the strangest times. He has a stakeout? He’ll get blasted. When asked why he says it helps him to focus on the task at hand. He runs out to pick up breakfast for you both? He’ll come back high. You don’t even know how as he was sober when he left and, at least to your knowledge, he didn’t take anything with him that could get him high. Yet here he is. Slightly red eyed and clinging to you.
Despite that if you ask him to be sober for something he will in a heartbeat. If you don’t want him to get high on your date nights, done with zero hesitation. You worry about him getting high on patrol? He’ll do it much, much less, without so much as a second thought. With his work as Red Robin he is all too familiar with how drugs can affect people so if it makes you uncomfortable he will limit your exposure to it as much as possible.
If you don’t mind however and even smoke with him? Be prepared for the best high of your life. You know when you feel like you might be able to take one more hit but you’re not sure if it’ll make you green out or not? Tim knows if it will. He has it down to a science. Tell him how high you wanna get and he will carefully watch you the whole night, instructing you on if you should take another hit or slow down for a while. Even when he gets blasted, he can still do it with perfect accuracy. It’s honestly really impressive.
Speaking of how he is when he’s high, he’s gotten uncannily good at hiding it. That’s part of the reason he gets high so damn often, most people can’t tell. Once you know him well enough however there are a few very minor signs you may be able to pick up on. For instance, he tends to fidget at a slower pace, or do different fidgets than he does sober. And those are the ones that are the MOST obvious. It’s safe to say he hasn’t gone to a Wayne industries meeting sober in years.
But when he’s in private and high? Oh boy he is SO clingy. Sober Tim is anxious and a bit conservative with his affection, especially early in your relationship, but get him high and he will be ALL over you. But only with your permission!
The first few times you get high with him he gives you the best pleading look he can muster before leaning in, lips a few inches away from your skin, so you feel the words more then you hear them. “Can we please cuddle baby?” It’s all you can do to nod dumbly in agreement. Tim lets out a relieved moan and all but falls against your side, hot breath still burning a hole in your skin.
However he’s also very easy to work up when he gets like this. You’re gently scratching up and down his back one second and the next thing you know he’s on top of you, gently grinding into you, almost like he’s afraid you’re going to disappear if he goes to hard. He whispers out a desperate “please baby. Need it so damn bad.” So breathlessly you’d be insane to say anything but yes.
The second he has your approval he’s frantically removing your pants, and shoving his mouth over every inch of your that it feels good on. Tim gets desperate and needy when he’s like this, and the one thing he wants right now? You to feel good. And without a doubt you will be feeling good.
Tim has every inch of your skin memorized in his mind, every movement that he needs to execute in order to make you feel good. That’s nice while he’s sober but it can almost feel a bit… rehearsed. Almost like he’s putting on a performance for a play. But when he’s high? That problem is completely gone. He still has all that knowledge of what makes you feel good but he’s not as afraid to tease or try out new moves. He’s not scared to get a bit lost in his own pleasure while giving you head, and it really makes everything feel that much better.
Speaking of getting lost in his own pleasure… he tends to lean a bit more dominant when he’s like this. A stark contrast to his typical submissive or otherwise pliant behavior in bed. He’ll grind into you, tease, make you beg. He likes to try out orgasm control, edging you until you’re practically in tears and then making you cum so hard you need to tap out for a water break. Don’t worry however, he’ll make sure his baby is always taken care of by the end of the night.
Also this man gets possessive while high. He’s already a bit possessive when sober, he just hides it very well. However when he’s high he’s less subtle. He’ll be clinging to you, unwilling to separate unless absolutely necessary. He also LOVES it when you wear his clothes, and the hickies decorating your neck, and chest, and pelvis, and thighs, and well most other parts of you show it.
All in all Tim can hide being high very well when he wishes. When he doesn’t have any reason to hide it though? Well let’s just say you’ll be in for a long night.
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butwhyduh · 9 months ago
honestly jdk just tim drake x reader where one/or multiple of the batfam walks in?? i just find them entertaining, or they are continually being interrupted through the day!
Warning: eventual smut and Tim is done with everyone’s shit. If it’s not the end of the world, don’t call me- level done. And you can tell it’s fanfic because Tim is actually an adult.
Tim didn’t get into shows very often. He’s busy and he has a terrible habit of falling asleep after the first 10 minutes. He didn’t want to watch the show but he was tinkering with some of his tech while sitting on the couch and you put it on. And that’s how he got sucked in.
“And Daphne said yes to that? Drew is not good enough to lie to her friends over,” he said and you started telling him the backstory.
You binge watch the next few episodes to catch up to the new season. It was a fun and scandalous show, nothing like Tim’s usual picks. And he thought it was cute how animated you were when talking about the show.
“Trevor needs to get his shit together or not only is Naomi going to leave him, he’ll go to jail,” Tim said.
“Yeah but he owes the local crime boss money and he said he’d kill his family otherwise,” you countered.
“Sounds like Gotham,” Tim quipped. You lightly smacked his arm before laying your head on his shoulder and entangling your arm in his.
“That is not comforting,” you said. “Oo they’re going to tell us who took the diamonds!”
The bat phone started ringing almost off the coffee table. You groaned and let Tim go to sit up to answer that.
“The corner of 17 and Parkway? How many combatants?” He said in Bat speak. And that’s when you knew your date night was over. He hung up and turned to you looking apologetic.
“I have to go,” he said. You sighed but pulled him into a hug.
“Be safe. I’ll be here,” you said with practices familiarity. He kissed you before grabbing his stuff and leaving. He didn’t get back until hours later with some fresh bruises and a girlfriend asleep on the couch.
It was 2 days later that you tried to continue the show. Tim had told Bruce to call someone else first. The door was locked and his phone was on silence. You’d even given him some pretty good incentives if you were uninterrupted and alone after the show.
It was all of ten minutes into the continued episode with pho takeout on the way that the fire escape window opened. In flopped Nightwing covered in mud.
“No,” Tim groaned. You huffed before pausing the show. “Do you need help?”
“Only a bit,” Dick said as the understatement of the year. He let Tim look at him to find that he was leaking blood all over the carpet from a bullet wound in his thigh. “Only a graze. Do you have a bandaid?”
“Good lord,” you replied as Tim called Alfred. You quickly grabbed a towel to stop the bleeding.
It was a few hours later and a carpet cleaner before Nightwing and your carpet were patched up. By that time it was the middle of the night and you couldn’t concentrate on anything. Tim promised a date night another day.
This one was a whole week later. All of the Robins had been warned under pain of torture to not talk to Tim for that evening. Because Tim was to put it mildly, frustrated. You two hadn’t had alone time in over a week.
You started the show back up with all entrances locked and phones off. You were able to watch the next 15 minutes before you heard broken glass.
“Hey did you know your window was locked,” Superboy said standing in front of the window. Tim practically growled before pausing the show to shove Kon out the window.
“I don’t know what you need but the other members of Young Justice are available. Call them,” Tim said but it was already too late. The wind had blown into the room and it was starting to snow outside so he couldn’t exactly ignore the window. Once again date night was canceled.
Tim was so frustrated that he had dreams about you in his bed. It was almost a week later and now 3 episodes behind on the show that you had another date night. He was almost willing to skip the show entirely at this point just to have alone time.
Tim had practically threatened everyone he knew with death threats to leave you both alone.
“Someone is feeling the mode,” Bart joked.
“You mean, someone needs to get laid,” Kon added.
“At this point, yes! I don’t want to see, hear, or think of either of you tonight. Unless it’s the  apocalypse, then I don’t want to even know about it,” he growled. The two other heroes howled with laughter as he left.
You could tell Tim was distracted and preoccupied by the way his hand gripped and squeezed your thigh. He gave you frequent kisses between scenes. As the episode ended, Tim pounced.
“Tim!” You gasped as he pushed you to lay on the couch before the credits were even done. It turned to a moan as his hand slid between your thighs to rub you through your panties.
“It’s been way too long,” he groaned as he kissed down your throat. He was almost never this aggressive and it was dizzying. He pushed your panties to the side to finger you.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped as he hit deep inside you. His hips rubbed his hard cock against you. He pulled at your shirt with one hand.
“Take it off,” he groaned with impatience. Before you had even gotten the fabric over your head, he had attacked your chest. Pulling a nipple into his mouth and sucking hard while fingering you thoroughly had you whimpering.
You shoved down his pants to grasp him in a loose fist. Tim rutted into your hand while sloppily kissing across your chest.
“Please, want you,” you whined and he wasted no time sliding in. Your back arched with a gasp. His arm reached behind your back and Tim took his time with long deep strokes.
This pleasure cycle couldn’t last forever and you both finished far too soon. Tim kissed you softly and gently.
“We can continue this later. I think the food is here,” he said.
“Sounds good,” you said adjusting your clothes and sitting up. “I’ll be right back,” you added as you went to clean up.
Tim answered the door in his messied hair and haphazardly placed clothes. Instead of the food delivery guy, it was Jason standing with his food box. Tim frowned.
“What do you want?”
“Pizza anyone?”
“Leave,” tim growled, taking the box. Jason laughed.
“Interrupting something?” Tim almost slammed the door in his face. “Hey, I just need keys to the Robin motorbike,” Jason added. “Oh I didn’t know you watched that show. Can you believe that in last week’s episode, it was the mom all along. Wild hu?”
Tim sighed before throwing the keys at Jason. “Go away.” He slammed the door.
“Well that sucks,” you said across the room.
Tim locked the door and sat the pizza box on the table. “I’m gonna be honest, and that is that I really just want to finish what we started before pizza. I’m not picky where.”
You laughed before letting him grab you fireman style over his shoulder to drag you into the bedroom. There was no way you were answering the door after that.
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